How Can You Remain Financially Secure While Your Workers’ Compensation Claim is Pending?

The losses and expenses you face after a work injury, or illness can be substantial. There is the cost of medical expenses, lost wages if you cannot work because of your injury or sickness, and many more losses and expenses. In the aftermath of a work injury or illness, it is normal to wonder how you will be able to remain financially secure. While you can file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits, recovering workers’ compensation benefits takes time. So, how can you remain financially secure while you wait for your workers’ compensation claim to be finalized? In this article, we share some tips on how you can stay financially secure while your workers’ compensation claim is pending. With these tips and many others not discussed in this article, hopefully, you can take care of your needs and those of your family during this uncertain time.
Government Benefits
While your workers’ compensation claim is pending, you may be able to apply for government benefits. Examples of benefits you may be eligible for include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits, unemployment benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits. A qualified attorney can help you determine which government benefits you are eligible for (if any) and whether applying for these benefits will hurt your workers compensation case..
Your Private Disability Insurance Policy
Do you have a private disability insurance policy? Does your employer offer short and long term disability? If you do, the policy may provide cash benefits while you are waiting for your workers’ compensation claim to be concluded. Even your car or mortgage loan may provide a disability benefit. Typically, disability insurance policies provide monthly income benefits and help cover some of your expenses while you are unable to work due to a covered injury or illness.
Legal Help Is Available
If you need help with your workers’ compensation claim, contact our qualified and dedicated Vermont workers’ compensation attorney at Sluka Law PLC.